Friday, December 30, 2016

Rogers Reserve Features in new Bushwalking Book

Family Bushwalks in South-East Queensland 2nd Edition

The Charles & Motee Rogers Bushland Reserve has featured for the first time in the 2nd Edition of Family Bushwalks in South-East Queensland - an informative book with maps, information and photographs about scenic bushwalks in South-East Queensland by Mark Roberts & Gillian Duncan.

The book can be purchased through the authors website  or at selected book stores.

Local retailers include:
  •  Lockyer Valley Visitor Information Centre 34 Lake Apex Drive, Gatton 07 5466 3426
  • Central City News 251 Margaret Street, Toowoomba 07 4638 2817 
  • The Book Tree Shop 2, 456 Ruthven Street, Toowoomba 07 4632 4310 
  • Ruthven Street News 407 Ruthven Street, Toowoomba 07 4639 1377 
  • Toowoomba Visitor Information Centre, 86 James Street, Toowoomba 07 4639 6055

Gem Life Website Recommends walk at Rogers Reserve

Gem Life Website has recommended the Charles & Motee Rogers Bushland Reserve as an ideal nature walk in the Highfields region in their November 2016 News publication.  We couldn't agree more!

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

15 year Anniversary of Walking Track at Rogers Reserve

This December marks 15 years since the official opening of the walking trail at the Charles & Motee Rogers Bushland Reserve (and 22 years since the land was donated to Crows Nest Shire Council).

Without the foresight and generosity of Mr & Mrs Rogers, this precious patch of remnant bushland would not have survived - we need to always remember and be grateful for what they did to preserve this endangered ecosystem so future generations could continue to enjoy and appreciate its value.

The bushwalking trail at Charles & Motee Rogers Bushland Reserve was officially opened by Crows Nest Shire Council Mayor Cr Geoff Patch in December 2001.


Newspaper article of Walking Trail Opening at Charles & Motee Rogers Bushland Reserve - 21/12/16. 

Friday, November 11, 2016

Memorial Tree for Bill Mollison

11th November 2016

The Friends of the Highfields Library organized a ceremony and tree planting memorial for Bill Mollison (4 May 1928 – 24 September 2016) who was an noted Australian researcher, author, scientist, teacher and biologist. He is referred to as the "father of permaculture.

The family of Bill Mollison publicly stated that 'He wanted everyone to plant a tree when he passed.'

Samantha from the Highfields Library organized the tree and purchased it from the Crows Nest Community Nursery which is staffed by volunteers under supervision of the Toowoomba Regional Council.  The tree chosen was a River Red Gum (Eucalyptus camaldulensis) under advice from the nursery staff. It is a perfect tree for the reserve being a Koala feed and habitat tree. The tree was planted in the front section of the reserve just off the path from the Community Court entrance. A tree bag was placed around the tree to protect it.

Samantha and the friends of the Highfields Library will continue to water the tree regularly to ensure it survives.  May it grow well and be a wonderful tribute to Bil Mollison.


Friends of the Highfields Library at the tribute and tree planting for Bill Mollison at the Charles & Motee Rogers Bushland Reserve, Highfields. 11.11.2016

Friday, November 4, 2016

Tree Privet regrowth removed at reserve

4 November 2016


Two Broad-leaved or Tree Privet (Ligustrum lucidum) was found to have re-grown from two plants cut back in previous years within the reserve.  Dougal promtly removed the two trees and the stumps
were treated to ensure they don't re-grow.

Broad-leaf privet (Ligustrum lucidum) originates from eastern Asia. Privets are considered to be serious environmental weeds throughout Australia. Infestations threaten biodiversity, including endangered plant and animal species and ecological communities. Privet seeds are commonly spread by fruit-eating birds. Birds such as pied currawongs, silver-eyes and rosellas can spread the seed widely into previously uninfested areas. Privet seedlings often germinate in clusters, as a result of birds regurgitating the seeds.

Dougal insepcting the regrowth of a Broad-leaf privet (Ligustrum lucidum) weed.

Broad-leaf privet (Ligustrum lucidum)

Broad-leaf privet (Ligustrum lucidum)

Removal of Micky Mouse Weed

4th November 2016


Ochna (Ochna serrulata) Native to southern Africa, is a significant environmental weed in Queensland and New South Wales, and is regarded as a potential environmental weed or "sleeper weed" in other parts of Australia.

This plant reproduces mainly by seed. Its brightly coloured fruit are readily eaten and dispersed by birds and other animals. They may also be dispersed in dumped garden waste.

Two small Ochna plants were found within the Charles & Motee Rogers Reserve, and were quickly removed during our November working bee.

Ochna (Ochna serrulata) - Environmental weed removed from Rogers Reserve 4/11/16

Ochna (Ochna serrulata) - Environmental weed removed from Rogers Reserve 4/11/16

Ochna (Ochna serrulata) - Environmental weed removed from Rogers Reserve 4/11/16

Greg removing the Ochna (Ochna serrulata) - Environmental weed from Rogers Reserve 4/11/16

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Squirrel Glider's delight at Night Walk Highfields

1st October 2016


A good number of people turned out for the Friends of the Escarpment Parks, night walk at Charles & Motee Rogers Bushland Reserve, lead by Judi & Brendon Gray.  The night was a little cool - but there was plenty to see within the reserve.  Greg Lukes kindly organized a infa-red camera to be tested out during the walk, which proved very interesting to see what the camera showed.

GPS location photos were also taken during the night for proof of location of wildlife photographed.

Thanks to Mike Ford & Glenda Walker from the Toowoomba Field Naturalists Club for sharing their fantastic images from the night.

Night Spotlighting list included:
Sugar Gliders (Petaurus breviceps) x 4
Squirrel Glider ((Petaurus norfolcensis) x 1
Common Brushtail Possums
Common Ringtail Possums
Tawny Frogmouth
Sulphur Cresed Cockatoo
Deceased Long-nosed Bandicoot
Many Spiders & Insects.

Squirrel Glider (Petaurus norfolcensis) at Charles & Motee Rogers Bushland Reserve Night Walk 01/10/16

Tawny Frogmouth Charles & Motee Rogers Bushland Reserve Night Walk 01/10/16

Sugar Glider (Petaurus breviceps) at Charles & Motee Rogers Bushland Reserve Night Walk 01/10/16

Common Ringtail Possu(Pseudocheirus pereginus) at Charles & Motee Rogers Reserve Night Walk 1/10/16

Common Ringtail Possu(Pseudocheirus pereginus) at Charles & Motee Rogers Reserve Night Walk 1/10/16.  Photo by Mike Ford

Giant Bull Ant (Myrmecia brevinoda)  at Charles & Motee Rogers Bushland Reserve Highfields 1/10/16.  Photo and identification by Glenda Walker.

Margined-winged Stick-insect (Phasmid Ctenomorpha marginipennis) at Charles & Motee Rogers Bushland Reserve Night Walk 01/10/16. Photo & identification by Glenda Walker.

Common Ringtail Possum (Pseudocheirus pereginus) at Charles & Motee Rogers Reserve Night Walk 1/10/16.  Photo by Glenda Walker

Squirrel Glider (Petaurus norfolcensis) at Charles & Motee Rogers Bushland Reserve Night Walk 01/10/16  Photo by Mike Ford.

Friday, September 2, 2016

Wonga Vine in flower at bushland reserve

2 September 2016

WONGA VINE (Pandorea pandorana)

The spectacular native "Wonga Vine" (Pandorea pandorana) is in flower at the moment at the Charles & Motee Rogers Bushland Reserve, Highfields. These perfumed yellow flowers are delightful and can be observed at the edges of the reserve near the library carpark and also along O'Brien Road near the cnr of Community Court. This gorgeous vine, loved by honeyeater birds, only flowers for a couple of weeks in the year - so if you get a chance, stop and observe it all of it's glory.

Thanks to Genevieve Lyons from Queensland Plant Identification Group, for the assistance with the i.d. of this beautiful native plant.


"Wonga Vine" (Pandorea pandorana) at Charles & Motee Rogers Bushland Reserve, Highfields

"Wonga Vine" (Pandorea pandorana) at Charles & Motee Rogers Bushland Reserve, Highfields

"Wonga Vine" (Pandorea pandorana) at Charles & Motee Rogers Bushland Reserve, Highfields

"Wonga Vine" (Pandorea pandorana) at Charles & Motee Rogers Bushland Reserve, Highfields

Spectacular Split Gill Fungi

2 September 2016

Schizophyllum commune (Split Gill Fungi)

These spectacular looking white fungi were noticed today growing on a branch that had been cut off a fig tree within the Charles & Motee Rogers Bushland Reserve, Highfields.  

Thanks to Paul Vallier from SEQ Fungi Facebook group for the assistance with the identification of Schizophyllum commune aka Split Gill Fungi. Paul advised me to have a look at the underside of the fungi to discover how beautiful it was, but to be cautious and don't sniff them as they can cause some very nasty respiratory problems.

"The cap is shell-shaped, with the tissue concentrated at the point of attachment, resembling a stem. It is often wavy and lobed, with a rigid margin when old. It is tough, felty and hairy, and slippery when moist. It is greyish white and up to 4 cm in diameter. The gills are pale reddish or grey, very narrow with a longitudinal split edge which becomes in-rolled when wet; the only known fungus with split gills that is capable of retracting by movement. It is found predominantly from spring to autumn on dead wood, in coniferous and deciduous forest."  (Source":


Schizophyllum commune (Split Gill Fungi) Rogers Reserve, Highfields

Schizophyllum commune (Split Gill Fungi) Rogers Reserve, Highfields

Schizophyllum commune (Split Gill Fungi) Rogers Reserve, Highfields

Monday, August 8, 2016

Purple flowers of the Native Sarsaparilla vine

8th August 2016

Native Sarsaparilla Hardenbergia violacea (Also known as Happy Wanderer or False Coral Pea) is a twining vine common in the local area.  Purple 10mm flowers appear in spring, however this one was flowering abundantly at the Charles & Motee Rogers Bushland Reserve, Highfields today. 

Flowers of the Native Sarsparilla Hardenbergia violacea , creeping up on a eucalyptus tree.

Native Sarsparilla Hardenbergia violacea 

Native Sarsparilla Hardenbergia violacea 

Monday, July 4, 2016

Library Story Walk at Rogers Reserve

4 July 2016


The staff at Highfields Library organized a second walk for children and parents through the Charles & Motee Rogers Bushland Reserve today.  Sixteen children and their parents attended the guided tour, lead by Judi Gray from the Friends of Rogers Reserve Group.  Many interesting discoveries were made and despite it being winter, there was still plenty to see.  Children learnt about the history of the bushland reserve, the importance of tree hollows and what wildlife uses them, how to recognize signs of different noctural species, including bandicoots, echidnas, gliders and red-triangle slugs.  The children spotted plenty of interesting things themselves including some fungi, vines and different types of moss.

The walk concluded with Samantha from the Highfields Library inspiring the children to create artistic collages with leaves, rocks, flower and sticks found in the reserve, and they did a wonderful job using their creativity to create a variety of different designs and art.

Plenty of positive feedback from the walk was received from the children and parents, and hopefully everyone went away learning something new and had an enjoyable experience and a left with a new appreciation for the inner suburban bushland reserve in Highfields. 


Judi & Samantha with some of the children attending the walk through Charles & Motee Rogers Reserve

An Australian Magpie looks on at the walkers below.

Checking out a large tree hollow in the reserve.

The children loved seeing the huge tree hollow.

Looking in the large tree hollow.

Finding feathers on the forest floor.

Learning about the huge fallen tree within the reserve, thought to be hundreds of years old.

Learning about the native Fig Trees growing within the reserve.

These little brown fungi were discovered by one of the children on the walking track - a great find!

Some of the wattle in flower within the reserve

Miss Samantha, inspiring the children with ideas on how to create beautiful art from forest floor finds.

Leaf Art

There were some great creations made from leaves, rocks, branches etc.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Removal of Moth Vine

10 May 2016

by Greg Lukes

Moth Plant (Common Moth Vine, False Choko)
Araujia sericifera
Family: Asclepidiaceae

Araujia sericifera in Australia is considered a weed. It is a rapid growing vine with oval leaves, sometimes with a slightly heart-shaped base, and a white underside, growing in opposite pairs. The leaf upper surface is a dull dark green, not glossy. Milky sap is produced from cuts or other damage. Showy white shortly tubular flowers are held in the leaf axils. Seeds have a tuft of hairs to assist dispersal, and are packed tightly into a leathery green choko-like capsule, which splits when ripe.

It is found widespread in a variety of habitats, but most common in moist soils along rivers. Impacts native bushland by climbing over shrubs and small trees, smothering and breaking them down. Also spreads over the ground, smothering native groundcover plants. Seeds are readily spread on the wind and in water.

CAUTION The milky sap is an irritant to the skin and eyes. Wear gloves when handling this plant and avoid getting the sap in the mouth or eyes.
Young plants are easily hand-pulled if growing in loose soil, or can be dug out. Large plants can be treated by the scrape and paint method.
When removing any species of vines, be careful about pulling them down, as this can damage the supporting plant. Generally, they are better left to die off and break up in place, unless this would involve leaving seed pods in the canopy. Try to control vines (and other weeds) before seed has formed to avoid this problem, but if fruits are present (even if they are still green), they should be collected as carefully as possible and disposed of properly.

Native Look-alikes 
The flowers and choko-like fruits are distinctive but there are some native climbers with similar leaves.
Milk vines (Marsdenia rostrata and M. flavescens) also have milky sap and opposite leaves. However, the upper surface is shiny and the underside pale green in M. rostrata and yellowish in M. flavescens. Flowers are smaller and yellow, and seed pods long and narrow. (Found from Gold Coast down to Victoria.) Common silkpod (Parsonsia straminea) has similar leaves which are dull green above and paler green below, yellow flowers and long cigar-shaped pods. The small native vine Tylophora barbata has clear sap, opposite pale green leaves, and the rarely produced flowers are small and dark purple.
Article and further images can be found on this website,-formerly-a

Video on moth vine removal

Local note. We found some seeds along the track that unfortunately had recently been dispersed by the wind. Larger plants growing in the loose soil can also be dug out carefully lifting out all the main roots which can travel for metres just below the surface. Monitor the area for reshoots within 1-3 months after removal.

The 'white fluff' shown on the track are Moth Vine Seeds that have dispersed in the wind.

A close up of the fluffy moth vine seeds

Here you can see the actual seed within the white fluff of the moth vine plant